One Lovely Blog Award 

Hey guys! Today I am catching up on a long overdue post: a nomination from the lovely Cheila from Pinkfordays for the One Lovely Blog Award. I want to apologise and thank you very much for this nomination- I don’t know why it only popped up in my comments today?!? Anyways, thanks very much and I am ecstatic that you think my blog is lovely! So, let’s dive straight into it: 

To start off with, here are the rules:

  • Each nominee has to thank the person who nominated them and link their blog in the post
  • They must include the rules and add the blog award badge as an image
  • Must add 7 facts about them
  • Then nominate 7 people 

Then, here are my 7 facts about myself:

– I love chocolate. I mean, I love food in general( I’m eating as I write this) but chocolate just tops the list any day for me. And by that, I mean actual chocolate. Not candy, not weird flavours; milk or dark chocolates are my personal favourites and I could seriously eat this by the bucketful.

– I can be extremely temperamental at times and and have a very short temper. I am not a moody person in general but if something/someone make me angry then it’s like I’ve been sent from hell. And as one of my favourite quotes say’ Sweet as sugar, hard as ice, Hurt me once, And I’ll kill you twice.’

– I am almost always singing. Around the house, humming under my breath, in the shower- there’s always lyrics on my lips!

– I am quite a sporty person. Well, compared to most people anyways, apart from one of my besties who literally attends every sporting event under the sun. But no, I love sports and it’s always a great feeling to be out and about, having fun with my friends!

– Completely contradicting my last statement, I am also extremely lazy at times. I will literally wile away hours just sitting and eating random stuff and not even getting particularly bothered by it. I will have to be dragged off or yelled at to get me moving again. 

– As you might have guessed by now, my behaviour often swings between extremes. I can be really immersed into something one day, and the next minute, be just completely uninterested. This means I slightly overdo it at times and can end up being very dramatic for one thing at times. I have recently been much better at finding a good balance in my life, and it’s much better.

– I love blogging! This might be a tad obvious considering I’ve been doing it for nearly a year but I really do enjoy posting things and am honestly very thankful for all the love from you guys and I hope you guys continue to love them as well. 

Finally, here are my very deserving nominees:

  1. Oriana’s Notes
  2. BeaFreitas
  3. Ciarralorren
  4. Annabanana
  5. Pinkfordays
  6. Brushandneedle
  7. Blissfulbritt

That’s it for today guys! Hope you liked this post and remember to check out all of my nominees’ blogs. See you soon!

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